Revascularization is the technique of restoring proper blood flow through a specific organ that has suffered from ischemia. There may be a number of reasons which may lead to peripheral arterial diseases. These diseases cause hindrance to the flow of blood in the body.
Atherosclerosis is a type of peripheral arterial disease that causes stenosis in the arteries or even blocking of major vessels that supply blood to various parts of the body. The peripheral arterial disease includes acute limb ischemia, intermittent claudication, and critical limb ischemia. It is a kind of disease that requires endovascular treatments or revascularization through peripheral vascular surgery. There are various ways and myriad treatment procedures which can be implemented for restoring the normal flow of blood.
Acute limb ischemia occurs when there is a sudden stoppage in the flow of blood in the lower limb. It is caused due to thrombosis, which in turn is caused due to peripheral vascular diseases. With proper surgical and revascularization techniques, acute limb ischemia can be treated. However, if neglected, this mild disorder can grow up to cause serious fatalities.
Another condition of early peripheral artery disease that can be treated by revascularization is Intermittent Claudication. This situation occurs when the calf muscles do not receive enough blood flow. This lack of blood flow can be due to blockages or even due to excessive smoking, diabetes, and hypertension. The person experiences immense pain in the lower limbs and is unable to walk. Lower limb revascularization can be implemented for curing this disease.
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